New York Fashion Week

This year’s New York Fashion Week certainly did not disappoint! From all of the excellent designers, to the talented models, everyone who participated in this event did a fantastic job putting the shows together, even with the tragedy that is currently happening in Ukraine. 

To help out a little bit with this issue, certain models such as Bella Hadid  have decided to donate the money they make in this show to charities that are assisting Ukraine.

One student, Ruthie Davis (10) shares with us how she feels about Hadid partaking in such a generous cause. 

“I think it is a good cause–I think it sets a good example for other celebrities,” Davis said. 

Fortunately, these challenging times did not stop the designers and models from sharing their creativity with us. 

Davis shares what her favorite part of these shows are.

“I really like looking at all the models and outfits and seeing what the designers come up with,”Davis said.  

She also gave us an insight of what her favorite look from these shows were. 

“I really liked the cream dress that was worn by Bella Hadid because it complements her body and I think it really just screams Bella Hadid–I feel like it just looks like something she would wear and I liked that it was not too out of her style,” Davis said. 

Overall, this year’s New York Fashion Week was a hit! It allowed the designers to be creative and have a lot of freedom with their designs, while also allowing the models to show off some incredible looks. This year’s event will certainly go down in history as an amazing show for everyone involved!