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As we enter kindergarten, were asked the question “What do you want to do when you’re older?”.

Lots of kids don’t take the questions seriously by saying “Princess’ ‘ or “Fairy’ ‘, but Biztown gives kids the opportunity to see and try out some career paths.

Kyra Grason (11) goes with LCHS Panther Crew, to help the kids at Biztown.

I signed up for biztown because I really enjoy giving back to the community and gaining service hours for my hard work.” Grason said

.Not everyone is an outgoing person and wants to help others, while others wouldn’t want to see the little kids run around having fun, Grason did help the kids, along with the other panther crew kids who went on the trip.

“My favorite part about this little trip was seeing how excited the kids were when they learned how to count the money correctly, figure out their jobs, and just have fun overall.” Grason said.

Grason also gives us an update on how the kids went.

“The kids did very well, and they seemed to really enjoy working with their peers to run the town.” Grason said.

As they get older they will continue to learn how to do these things. When Grason was just a little kid like these kids, she had also gone to biztown. “I actually went to biztown during 5th grade, and I believe I was a CEO of the radio station. “ Grason said.

As the years go on the kids will grow up and change their mind everyday on what they want to do, but will do a great job at what they decide to do. 

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