The Bear Hunt of The Century
Unless you are hiding under a rock where you haven’t talked to anyone since 2019, you know about the Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Schools cancelled for the rest of the year, students converting t0 online school/classes, and a worldwide quarantine. For some, they are working at an essential location; for others, they are having a relaxing time off binge watching Netflix. Society complaining about being bored whilst others are complaining of being too busy.
What do we do when we can’t figure out anything to do? We come up with social distancing games. A teddy bear hunt, to be exact. The whole basis being that kids ride around with their families and find the teddy bears hidden in people’s windows and on their porches.
This game was said to be inspired by We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, written by author Michael Rosen in 1989. This book is a children’s picture book. So why this game in particular?
What other way to help kids be distracted, by all the bad news going around, than using a loved children book that is wholesome? Lucky for me, I went on a bear hunt mission with my family. I got pictures and a book of addresses and what animals. It’s supposed to be a teddy bear hunt, but people have been filling their windows with lot of other stuffed animals. This isn’t just fun for the kids, but for the members of society who are putting the stuffed animals in their windows. I’ve seen Disney characters, unicorns, avocados and many more.
Besides the bear hunt, people have been making light if the situation by memes, chain posts, and more. A scary, serious situation turned into a worldwide community working together to get each other through this rough time whilst scientists work hard to find a cure and/or vaccination.
I hope you all are staying safe and at home. Remember that we are all in this together.