If The Shoe Fits- A Cinderella Story; Christmas Wish

In time for the holiday spirit, Netflix released “A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish” on December 1st. As you may know, there has been a lot of Cinderella Stories. Are we ready for a Christmas themed one? Let’s get on to the review!

As we know, Cinderella is a princess from kids story books. She lost her father at a young age, leaving her with a step mother and two step sisters. If that’s not bad enough, the “steps” are all malevolent. She is invited to the ball where she meets her prince. She can’t let anyone know it was her. Her fairy godmother made her look beautiful for the ball. Then, she had the time of her life. At midnight, she rushes out of the ball because all of her beautiful gift from fairy godmother would turn back to their original forms. As she is running down the stairs, her glass slipper falls off. That’s all the prince had left of her. No name. No address. Nada. He goes around to find her. If the shoe fits, he has found his paramour. A rich prince falling in love with a poor cinder-covered maid. Blah blah! You get it.

Now to the facts of A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish.

My first thought was how heavily auto-tuned the songs were. After hearing Laura Morano’s voice before, you could tell this had been auto-tuned. Some people can pull off auto-tune, but in this case, it didn’t turn out well.

If you’ve never seen “A Cinderella Story” before, this won’t be your opinion. I felt as if the story was repetitive of the others. The other ones were good, in my opinion. They never felt like they were just all the same thing. The stories had more to the plot than just “she meets the prince, falls in love, and loses her shoe.” Some have the aspect of funny moments. This movie had just felt bland compared to the others.

In the story, the dog was told as the mice. The best friend, the fairy godmother. Rich boy, prince. Snowglobe, shoe. Evil stepsisters, evil step sisters… 

Basically, I didn’t enjoy the movie. I encourage you to check it out and see for yourself.