Veritas: A New Club at LCHS

More stories from Tanner Cook

Veritas is one of the newest clubs at Lenoir City High School. It is run by Coach Zeller and founded by Steve Hall. Veritas, meaning Truth, is taken from Harvard University’s old motto, Veritas Christo, which means truth in Christ and Church. The LC chapter of the club is very unique because the club was founded this year and LCHS is one of the first schools to have a Veritas Club.

Veritas was founded to help Christian students learn Christian apologetics so they can defend their faith. It teaches students about the history of the bible, evolution, and other topics that will help students to witness to their friends and family.

The lessons come from a weekly video that is narrated by Steve Hall, and shows Christian students how to biblically witness and show love to non believers in Christ. The club is then wrapped up with a discussion about the topic from the video.

Coach Zeller holds the club every Wednesday morning in his room at 7:45. ” I think is good for answering questions about Christianity,” said Haley Vandergriff, 11, ” I think it helps Christians when their faith is questioned.” Several other students attend Veritas on a weekly bases. ” I think it will help students to have a better foundation of the truth of the Bible,” said Coach Zeller.

Veritas is open to any student that wants to come, Christian or not.