Wow, Look At Her Go!


All transitions are difficult one way or another, especially the transition to high school. The new environment, people, and many other things can be some of the challenges people face when coming to high school. However, there are always people that can make changes and transition less stressful or hard. Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Mullinax’s greatest quality is just that! 

Mrs. Mullinax was presented with Teacher of the Year at Lenoir City High School; she is known for her dedication and participation in school and the student body. Mullinax teaches math but is also in charge of the many fun activities we do at school, coach of the chess team along with many other hobbies.

Jennifer Hernandez Gonzalez (12) is one student that notices Mullinax’s effort to make a better learning environment for everyone at LCHS.

“Every time I see Mrs. Mullinax at school and pep rallies, I just think ‘wow, look at her go!’ She is always planning fun activities to do and she is always on the go. It seems like she never rests,” Hernandez said.

Being announced Teacher of the Year is not something that is easily earned. Therefore, when Mullinax got the news she was surprised but excited about the award. 

“When the email came through I was honestly really, really surprised. I know I am around the school a lot, but I just feel like there are a lot of people in the school that do so much, but I was very honored and excited,” Mullinax said. 

“I know high school is hard for a lot of kids and I know it’s a really rough transition to becoming an adult from a younger child and you know if me running down in a tutu makes your day slightly better then that is what we are going to have to do,” Mullinax said.

Passion is something that runs in Mrs. Mullinax’s blood. Passion for the school, student body, math, teaching, and more! 

“I really do hope [students] feel my passion for the school and the passion for the student body you know. I run around and make a fool of myself every day to just get a laugh out of kids. I hope that comes through with my teaching and my relationship with my students,” Mullinax said

Mrs. Mullinax is one of many great teachers Lenoir City has who makes high school not only better but easier. Thank you Mrs. Mullinax for your great work and dedication.