The Most Important Election They Say!

The 2020 Presidental Election was known to be one of the most important elections of all time. Everyone was very anxious and scared about the results. The last election I remember was in 2016 but I was only a 6th grader and had no background knowledge and quite frankly didn´t care. A lot of things have changed since and I have become very interested and involved in politics in the United States government in general. I decided I should become very involved because I want to pursue law in the future. To me, this election has been the most important one. I actually have facts and knowledge about both candidates and have found myself very passionate about one of the sides.

“2020 has already been a very complicated and hard year, the election has only made it even harder,” my mother said. She says the country depends a lot on making the right choice of who to elect. I like to agree to disagree or have a peaceful debate about what I believe in. However, I have found out in the past couple of weeks that not many people at school can do that. I had tried to have conversations with many people at school about the election and 6/10 have ended up in fights or arguments.

The week of the election came and everyone was talking about it. Many results from many states had been recorded but a lot was left because of the mail-in votes. Many Republicans believed it was a fraud from the beginning because of the mail in votes but I thought it was a great idea since we are in the middle of a pandemic. Everyone was anxious and just wanted to know the winner already but we had to be patient and wait because every vote had to be counted. It felt as if it was taking years for the final results to come in. I had made many bets with a lot of people therefore I would check the results quite often.

I remember exactly the day when the results were announced. Joe Biden had hit 270! I was at work and the news where on and they announced it. Finally, I thought to myself! Many people were happy just like many others were upset. I hugged my coworkers and couldn’t help but shed a few tears. That day in the afternoon there were many rumors of fraud and false votes. My parents were worried that might changed the results but I had faith that the people counting had done the right thing. All we could do was wait and that is exactly what we did. It’s been a month now and all the lawsuits from Trump and the recoutnig had been denied. The results had still been accurate and the results were left Joe Biden 306 and Donald Trump 232. Joe Biden is the president-elect and no matter what side you are on I believe we should keep United like Biden says and wish the best for the country.