A Guide to Better Grades

With everything else in the world going on, it’s hard to keep up with academics. This hybrid schedule doesn’t help, either. While at home, there are various things to distract us. Whether it’s the television, our phones, or just the fact that there’s nobody telling us what to do, we’re getting distracted. Elly Boals (10) talks about how she manages to keep up with her grades during this unstable time. 

“A big part in what we’re doing right now is participation,” Boals says. “I make sure that I get all of my work done with the best of my ability.”

Not only is participation a big part in academic success but so is organization. Boals explains how she manages to stay organized throughout this schedule. 

“I am able to stay organized by making a checklist of things I have to get done for the day,” Boals explains. “Also, if I have homework, I keep those tabs open on my computer as a reminder to get them done.”

In order to stay focused, Boals works on one subject at a time. During the time she’s doing her work, she tries to get rid of anything that could distract her.

Boals states, “I have to put my phone across the room and make sure that I am free of distractions.”

This doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get any free-time. When she stays organized and focused, she can also have some fun during the day. 

“Once I finish a subject, I give myself a little break and time to be able to eat, watch a show, talk to people, go on a walk, etc. After that, I move on to my next subject, and the cycle repeats,” Boals says. 

Obviously, organization and focus isn’t everything– you have to actually know what you’re learning about to pass a test. Boals explains how she studies during this time. 

“If I know I have a test coming up,” Boals explains, “I set aside about 15 minutes each day to study for that subject.”

As well as studying, communication also has importance. After all, you can’t get help if you don’t ask. 

Boals explains, “If I have a question, I email [my teachers] or ask them when I am in class. They are very understanding, especially right now, and are always open to help!” 

It’s not the easiest year ever. I think we can all agree on that. We can make it a little bit easier, though, by taking time to care about our own academics.