Amazing Amazink: Your Time To SHINE

Amazing Amazink: Your Time To SHINE

Are you an aspiring Michelangelo? Da Vinci? Do you spend extended periods of time in the forest waiting for that perfect nature shot? Do you hide under your sheets at night and write short stories or poems?


Then you, my friend, should submit something to the literary magazine in the spring. The what, you ask? Every single year Journalism puts together this snazzy magazine compiled of various photography, drawings, paintings, sculptures, short stories, poems, any form of art you could imagine submitted from YOU. Yes you. Every single piece of art within the magazine is student produced.


Why do we have an art magazine you ask? Not feeling the sense of urgency? Well you should be.


This is YOUR time to shine. All of you scratching doodles in your notebooks while bored in class, all of you taking every day situations and then turning them into epics–we salute you. Those with pencil in hand, chisel in hand, pen, or camera, we want to honor you all in a couple of pages.


What should you do? Submit all of your pieces (as many as you’d like) to Ms. Wallace and the Journalism class in room 217. We’ll take your submissions and measure them against other submissions and decide what goes in. We love getting submissions, so don’t be shy!
We eagerly await what you have to show us. Submissions are due by March 7th.