The Secular Student Alliance
Empowering Students for a Secular Future
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A new club has surfaced at our school known as the “Secular Student Alliance”. The club president is Lilly Stephens, and the the vice President is Preston Cape. The club is a chapter of a nationwide non-profit organization started in 2001. The organization’s motto is “Empowering Students for a Secular Future”, and is dedicated to providing a place for secular students to meet in an environment that encourages scientific reasoning. The organization hosts a yearly leadership conference at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio that is open to members of the SSA.
Our school’s branch has only been active for three meetings so far, but they say they plan to start doing charity work as soon as possible. The group has “adopted” a kid for the school’s Santa’s Helper program where they will buy gifts for less fortunate children. The meetings consist of discussions of topics related to secularism and are provided by the president and vice president. For example, the meeting I attended discussed the idea of “faith” in its many forms and discussed its merits. The particular meeting I attended was also accompanied by Little Caesar’s Pizza!
The group meets in Mrs. Corbett’s room which is room 205 in the upstairs Spanish hallway every other Tuesday after school. Everybody who is curious about the organization is welcome to attend. The group is still developing and is constantly looking for new members.