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Just Keep Swimming

Lucas Moore (10) playing a practical joke on his fellow swimmates.
Lucas Moore (10) playing a practical joke on his fellow swimmates.
Taylor Chaney (11)

With the swim season coming to an end, emotions are on the horizon. It is a time of looking back on the memories of the year and celebrating everyone’s achievements. It is also a time for planning new goals for the upcoming season. Logan Moore (10) is ready to put in the work for the next season so he can improve.

“I’m sad that it’s over and that I felt I could have done more work in and outside the pool and built more strength to swim,” Moore said. 

One of the big ending events is the state competition for the swimmers. It takes lots of dedication and time to place for state; however, the reward of going overcomes the work that has to go into it. As well as the competition, state allows the swimmers to go do fun things in their free time. This is what Taylor Chaney (11) misses the most about the season.

“What I will miss most about this swim season is state. State was extremely fun because the state team always found something interesting to do in the Nashville weather, either that being going to a putt-putt place, going to dinner/lunch, or even sneaking onto our roof of the hotel at night,” Chaney said.

The season allows for people to come closer together and make many fun memories. With the season coming to an end, all the swimmers are thinking about their favorite memories. Lucas Moore’s (10) favorite memory was when they were at their hotel during state competition.

“It is my favorite memory because it was when all of the swimmers were together on the roof hanging out, and we all thought it would be funny if I went down and laid out looking like I jumped off,” Moore said. 

All the swimmers are excited about the break and are happy to have enjoyed this season with their friends!

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