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Tis the Season

The holidays are an especially overwhelming time for everyone, it’s difficult to not get tangled in the chaos. It’s easy to become distracted from the most important parts of the holiday season when your to-do list is longer than Santa’s. Sometimes, you just need to take a break from your responsibilities to catch your breath. With all the stress of the season, it’s important to remind yourself of the better aspects of the holidays. Tis the season to be jolly after all, right? However, in the materialistic-driven and fast-paced world we live in, the hallmark ideals are simply unattainable. You’re only setting yourself up for disappointment by trying to obtain perfection. Instead, work on finding peace within imperfection. Kinsley English (10) describes how she has worked to find this in her life.

“I am not as privileged as a lot of the people around me, and sometimes it can be difficult to stay positive about not having as much as others, but the way I see it is there’s a reason that I have less than other people and it just means that I’m going to have to work harder to get what I want,” English said.

It’s important to practice being content. Learn to be grateful for what you already have in your life. When everyone is just expanding their list of wants, it only guarantees dissatisfaction. If you’re focusing solely on the things you want, it’s easier than ever to disregard what you already have. Happiness can’t be found when you’re yearning for new desires. There is nothing wrong with wanting new possessions, a higher status, or to achieve goals. Contentment doesn’t mean you stop striving; it means you’re satisfied with where your life is in the present moment. Briley Caldwell (10) shares some ways she has found contentment in her life.

“I stay grateful by realizing that I didn’t deserve anything in my life, but I have been extremely blessed in so many ways. Sometimes I write down specific things I’m grateful for, and sometimes I just take a few minutes to remember how blessed I am. I can find so many things that I am grateful for every day. Moving schools was a huge change in my life, but now after getting to know so many wonderful people and getting to be a part of things I’ve never done before, I have more to be grateful for than ever,” Caldwell said.

A lot of the time, we forget to acknowledge a lot of the blessings we already have. Whether it’s your family, your health, your friends, or your job, think of all those you don’t usually think of. Take a moment every day to think of one thing, person, or experience you are grateful for. It’s normally pretty easy to find just one thing. It helps shift your mindset because you are reminded of the abundance of blessings already present in your life. This shift will lead you to live a happier and more satisfying life. Always remember to give yourself grace and try to appreciate some of the smaller joys of the holiday season.

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