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Everything Zach Bryan

Everything Zach Bryan

Everybody has their specific music taste taste whether they use it as a way to express themselves or their feelings. People like to think that Zach Bryan is a “country” artist because that’s the genre his music is technically labeled as. However, that is not the truth, because all types of people have come together to listen to Zach Bryan, not just the normal stereotypical “country” listeners. A wide variety of different types of music listeners—like rap, grunge, and indie listeners—have joined his fan base. His voice, melody, and lyrics are what bring everyone together on a different level of understanding. There is always some sort of relation with his lyrics whether it’s about heartbreak, death, parents, and hard living.  Addie Johnson (11) shares why she relates to his new album and how it affects her.

“Most of his new songs hit close to home for me but the main one is the song ‘I Remember everything,’” Johnson said. 

The song “I Remember Everything” is about the hard times of love and life, and how when things go wrong in life, it leads to a bad love story. The listeners get the man’s perspective and the women’s perspective on their tragic love story. While Zach Bryan only talks about the positive side and everything good that happened, Kacy Musgraves—another artist similar to Bryan—talks about the negative side and how he isn’t once the man he claimed to be. Paden Norris (12) expresses how he could feel the emotions of both sides of the relationship.

“The emotions expressed throughout the song are all brought together by the dual vocals, I really enjoy it, it’s definitely my favorite [from the album],” Norris said. 

Norris and Johnson are not the only ones who have expressed this song to be their favorite, “I Remember Everything” definitely seems to be a fan favorite. With all the emotions of heartbreak and the effects they have on people, it seems like everyone is relating to this song the most. Even though there aren’t as many songs on his new album compared to his previous album, it’s still gained lots of popularity. Norris conveys how he feels about the number of tracks decreasing since his previous album, American Heartbreak.

“I like it, it’s solid, but I do believe that it’s not as good as [previous album] American Heartbreak, but it’s up there with it. I think his new album definitely has something to do with all his pent-up emotion from his breakups within the last few years,” Norris  said. 

So many artists have released new albums within the last month that it’s hard to pick a favorite one. Even with lots of new releases coming out from numerous musicians, it’s easy to tell which one has the most depth when it comes to relating to life and its entirety. Listening to music is easy, but understanding the lyrics and feeling the emotions sometimes isn’t. Zach Bryan has a way of making his lyrics easily understood and to the point. So many relate to Bryan and his music because he doesn’t shy away from talking about the raw parts of life and how hard it gets sometimes. 


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