Tennessee’s Big Win

Saturday, October 15th was an exciting day for Vol fans everywhere! After a fifteen year streak, they finally beat Alabama, earning them a better chance of getting to enter in the playoffs. One student, Ruthie Davis (11) tells us her experience watching this intense game.
Going into the game, Davis had a pretty optimistic outlook for Tennessee, although she still had her doubts about just how good the Vols would do.
“I believed we were going to have a good chance, and it would be like a 10 point game. I really did not expect us to really even be ‘in’ the game,” Davis said.
The game proved to be anything but boring, with both teams fighting for a win. It certainly kept the audience on their feet.
“I was actually about to have a stroke at some point. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. It went up and down, we would score then ‘Bama would score. It was crazy,” Davis said.
Throughout the game there were countless memorable moments, between both teams and fans. Some of Davis’s favorite moments include Saban losing his cool and a UT player throwing up on the field.
Along with the many unforgettable moments that took place during the game, Davis is also really excited about the Vols coming out on top!
“I am so glad. We are on a winning streak, and I truly do believe UTK football is back. This sets the picture for the rest of the season I feel like,” Davis said.
Tennessee pulling off this win has made many Vol fans–including Davis– proud, and while she sadly could not be there to experience it first hand, she was still thrilled about the outcome of the game overall.
“I was laughing. I really felt excited and proud to be a Vol. I was planning on attending the game, but I was leaving vacation from fall break. I really wished I could have experienced it, though,” Davis said.
Davis is looking forward to Tennessee’s future in football. She thinks this win will really have a positive impact on the Vols.
“I think this sets the tone for the season,” Davis said.
It is safe to say that Vol fans everywhere are thrilled about this win. They can not wait to see what their team accomplishes next!