‘Interworld’ book review
‘Interworld’ lies among time and a DC comic book.
Sometimes if we are alone–or perhaps in those deep conversations with our friends–we think theoretically, philosophically, and scientifically. Interworld by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves feels like a conversation thought up on a random Tuesday at three in the morning. It’s about a boy named Joey Harker who one day suddenly walks into a world parallel to his, meaning another dimensional version of his world. After he Walks (Gaiman and Reaves capitalize the w to show he is going into another world) a few more times, he realizes that each world holds a different kind of him, like a dead one or one older than him. He eventually is accepted into an army–an army full of himselves.
Joey Harker, the one we are introduced to first, is a teenager that gets lost a lot and is ignored in school. I like his character because of the juxtaposition of his traits. He is bad with directions but can navigate from world to world. I quite enjoyed Hue, too. Hue is a multidimensional life form that cannot actually talk and can transport people itself. It introduces itself two Joey and another form of Joey early in the book and helps the whole gang get out of a whole bunch of dramatic situations. I just love Hue because it is described adorably and expresses its feelings through colors.
I found this novel very compelling. I saw the cover and thought ‘I will regret it if I don’t grab that book.’ I’m glad I did because it dragged me out of a reading slump I had run into. It was pretty easy to follow, even with the complex idea of time and dimension travel, and 239 pages means that it is a short read.
The whole concept of interdimensions and an army of an insane and varied amount of Joey Harkers is very interesting, both for the imaginative and intelligent parts of the brain. Gaiman and Reaves make you think about what is written and feel the descriptions. I am grateful to my peripheral vision for seeing this book and happy I got a chance to read it. Someone throw me the next book, The Silver Dream.