Dates to Remember

Dates to Remember

As it gets closer to the end of the school year, things tend to get crazy. Schedules get harder and harder to keep up with. It is nearly impossible to get all the dates straight, so I have taken it upon myself to compile a list.


Below is a list that includes all the important dates for both under and upperclassmen. I have made an easy to follow schedule so that you don’t have to. The school year is almost over, guys. Just a few more weeks and we are done.


Good luck, and don’t forget to have some fun. There are a lot of tests on this list, but don’t stress too much, most of them only count if they help your grade.


April 9th – Prom

April 19th – In-school ACT

April 21st – Musical and Yearbook day

April 25th – Algebra 1 TN Ready

                      US History TN Ready

April 26th – English TN Ready

April 27th – Algebra 2 TN Ready

April 28th – Geometry TN Ready

May 2nd – AP Chemistry Test

                   Algebra 1 TN Ready

                   US History TN Ready

May 3rd – English TN Ready

May 4th – AP Literature Exam

                   Biology TN Ready

                   Algebra 2 TN Ready

                   Senior 5th Block Exams

May 5th – Chemistry TN Ready

                   Geometry TN Ready

                   AP Calculus Test

                   Senior 3-4th Block Exams

May 6th – Cap and Gown Pick-up

                   AP U.S. History Test

                   Senior 1st-2nd finals

May 9th – AP Biology Test

May 10th – Underclassmen Awards Night

May 12th – Senior Awards Night

                     NHS Induction Ceremony

May 13th – Graduation Practice

May 14th – Graduation

May 16th-18th – Underclassmen Finals

May 19th – Final Make-ups