Battle of the Marching Bands

Ashtun Fitzpatrick (12) poses with the trophy received at Karns.
The recognition of an achievement is more rewarding that an actual gold medal for some.
At every football game the marching band can be seen and heard. They play the songs the cheerleaders and students dance and sing to. Then at half-time they go out and march a show. However, that show is not without a purpose.
The half-time show that the marching band performs every game is practice. The practice is for an audience that will be watching their every step, listening to every note, and will be judging it all for a score.
Many may not know that every year marching bands all across the country prepare a show to take to competition. At the competitions, they will perform against other bands in their class, and at the end of the day they will be awarded a score.
This past Saturday, a marching band competition was hosted at Karns High School and our Lenoir City Marching Band competed. They left our school at 2:00 p.m. after a morning practice. At 4:30 p.m., they were on the field at Karns High School, performing their show for this year–Shadows and Light.
Marching bands every year pick a show theme that they take to competition. Our marching band’s theme this year is Shadows and Light, with their three music pieces for it called Illumination, Eclipse, and Darkness.
With our show, many felt like it was good run. Captain Ashtun Fitzpatrick (12) feels the same way.
“I felt like even though there [were] environmental problems such as strong winds we still went out and performed to the best of our abilities,” Fitzpatrick said.
They competed against other bands in their class such as Campbell County and West. They also got to view other bands in different classes like Oliver Springs, Oneida, Claiborne County, Alcoa, South Doyle, Clinton, Gibbs, Oak Ridge, and Heritage.
Some of the members may have been nervous about all the other band and performing in front of them, but not Fitzpatrick.
“I wasn’t nervous because I have been doing this for going on four years now, and you eventually get used to the feeling of performing,” Fitzpatrick said.
At the end of the day Lenoir City took second in their class in color guard, percussion, and band, which disappointed some, but not all.
“Even though most people think competitions are all about awards and what place you come in, I don’t think they are all that important. The only important part is the feeling of achievement that you get from being recognized [and] your hard-work,” Fitzpatrick said.
With another competition this Saturday at Seymour, our band will work harder this week to go farther, and score higher.
“For this upcoming competition I believe we will be prepared to perform even better than we did at Karns,” Fitzpatrick said.
Fitzpatrick also feels like her band family is what will bring them there.
“From working with all my fellow band mates for the past several months and seeing how hard they are willing to work, I am positive that throughout the marching season we will all continue to grow and become not only a better band, but better people.”
As the band program goes through their season they continue to grow not only in music, but also in a bond that can never be replaced.