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Homecoming Court Spotlight: Andrew Pickell

Boys Basketball Homecoming 2025
Homecoming Court Spotlight: Andrew Pickell

As the boys nominated for the Annual Basketball 2025 Homecoming Court prepare to walk out with their date on their arm and see who will be crowned, the boys spend their time reminiscing on the past 4 years of their lives as their senior year ends. Andrew Pickell(12) will remember his time in the National Honor Society and playing on the boy’s soccer team. Pickell’s academic and athletic achievements make him a deserving candidate for this year’s Homecoming Court. 

Pickell has committed to attending East Tennessee State University (ETSU), where he will study kinesiology and pre-physical therapy. 

“I want to pursue kinesiology and pre-physical therapy because I spent a lot of time in that field during injuries and I found it all very interesting how the body moves and works to fix itself and grow,” Pickell said

Reflecting on his high school journey in playing sports, Pickell has faced some difficulties.

“In the past year and a half having three knee surgeries. I can’t fully say how I overcame those yet because I am still dealing with it,” Pickell said.

Managing sports and academics simultaneously can be difficult, however, Pickell has relied on a strong support system since day one. 

 “God is always my biggest supporter because he is who guides me through hardships and triumphs and ultimately my gratefulness goes towards Him. He motivates me because He gives me the strength to do what I enjoy and that drives me to pursue my gifts and interests. My parents are my biggest supporters because they see behind the scenes the most and they have believed in me since birth; I don’t know where I would be without their emotional, financial, and physical support and it motivates me to make them proud because of what they sacrifice for me,” Pickell said.

Despite all of Pickells’ challenges, he reflected on his freshman year of playing soccer with his brother. For the incoming freshmen, Pickell offers some valuable advice.

“Focus on your grades early because the grades you make your freshman year will count the same as they do your senior year,” Pickell said. 

Andrew Pickell’s determination and outlook on life make him a role model to his peers and a proud nominee for the 2025 Homecoming Court.

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