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Gym Lights, Winter Nights

Gym Lights, Winter Nights

Recently, the debate about whether the Winter Formal should be in the gym or at a venue has been heavily discussed, as it is each year when the student council plans this dance. Most years it takes place in the gym for a variety of reasons, but many students feel it should take place in an outside venue for an increased ticket price. However, ticket prices are one of the biggest reasons why it is more inclusive and beneficial for the student body for this dance to stay in the gym. One senior, Bryson Daughtery talks about the benefits of a dance closer to home.

It’s more cost effective seeing as we don’t have to pay for a venue, so our profits are higher which means we have more money spent on things like prom. As well as that, people can save their money to enjoy prom more,” Daughtery said.

Renting off-campus venues almost doubles the ticket prices and makes them equal to prom without including formal wear prices, which students tend to spend more on for prom. Allowing students to save money on tickets and outfits for the Winter Formal lets them splurge more for prom. Therefore, venues create higher prices and less accessible dances for students and their dates.

While not the most luxurious, the gym can also be turned into a glamorous venue with the efforts of the student council fueled by the opinions of the student body. This year’s Winter Formal does lack a creative theme, which some might find boring, however, it solves many problems that students find when school dances do have a theme. When there is a theme, such as last year’s (Old Hollywood), student council and sometimes other clubs spend a lot of personal time and money hand-making unique decor that cannot be reused. All of the thought put into that portion of the dance withholds substantial energy from being put into the advertisement and social aspects. That is why, this year, the theme includes larger, more expensive winter decorations that can be reused, with the addition of a photo booth, DJ, and still Chef Thomas’s wonderful finger food.

This solution allows seniors to enjoy their prom more and still gives the underclassmen a fun event to look forward to. Formals can remain distinctly different from prom, as it was intended. Daughtery also talks about how underclassmen benefit.

It gives the underclassmen something to look forward to as well. Prom becomes kind of underwhelming if the formal is at a venue too and I feel like a lot of people look forward to it at other schools and it would be just another dance instead of it being what it should be,” Daughtery said.

The desire for a change is understandable, but once these changes become a tradition for our Winter Formal, the student body will excitedly anticipate this dance every year because they will know what to expect. This formal, on Saturday, February 8th, is a time for the entire student body to gather during these cold months, celebrate, and create lasting memories with friends, regardless of where it is held. As much as an expensive venue may satisfy those who can afford it, keeping Winter Formal in the gym will eventually have students coming back each year, even if the conversation about a venue continues. 

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