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Homecoming Court Spotlight: Devin Williams

Homecoming Court Spotlight: Devin Williams

Homecoming is an exciting time for everyone, especially the ladies selected to be recognized as members of the homecoming court. Devin Williams (12) is one of the honorable girls chosen by her peers to experience this opportunity as a member of the court.

Devin has been a part of the women’s basketball team for all four years of her high school experience. She is also an involved member of Panther Crew, where she enjoys helping new students adapt to the new environment of high school and volunteering at school events. Managing sports and rigorous academic standards is no easy task. In her time at LCHS, she’s realized the importance of prioritization.

“[From my experience in high school, I’ve learned to] work hard and don’t let stress run your life. Try to prioritize because you need to be a student before you’re an athlete. You can’t perform well as an athlete if you don’t have your work done and your mind’s not clear from all that stress,” Williams said. 

After she has graduated high school, Devin hopes to attend college at East Tennessee State University or the University of Tennessee. She plans to major in nursing. Throughout her high school career, Williams has remained motivated by her aspirations for her future. Reflecting on her time at LCHS, Williams hopes to have been a leader within school and inspired people to work hard and be kind.

“I just have a lot of goals and a lot of high standards for myself, so I try to live by those. I hope to have been a good leader and someone that everyone can look up to,” Williams said.

Williams is ecstatic to be a member of the homecoming court this year. She is looking forward to being recognized at the homecoming football game and for the community participation at the homecoming huddle.

“I’m excited for the football game and the homecoming huddle,”
Williams said.

Being nominated for Homecoming Court is an honor, Devin’s reliability and kind spirit have helped her stand out amongst her peers. Her leadership and determination have made her deserving of this opportunity.

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