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Homecoming Court Spotlight: Sawyer Grace Simmons

Homecoming Court Spotlight: Sawyer Grace Simmons

Homecoming is an exciting time for everyone, especially the ladies selected to be recognized as members of the homecoming court. Sawyer Grace Simmons (12) is one of the honorable girls chosen by her peers to experience this opportunity as a member of the court.

In her time at LCHS, Sawyer has been a part of Singers, NHS, a leader in Panther Crew, on the leadership team for FCA, and a devoted member of the track and cross-country teams. Her charismatic and radiant personality shines through everything she does. Simmons hopes to encourage people to have confidence in their faith and to care for the people around them.

“I hope to make an impact that mainly shows people that God is present in the school, especially with FCA. It comes to just the day-to-day things, the little things of being intentional with people; talking to people, caring about what they’re saying, and trying to make an impact towards them. Explore everything and soak it all in, and know when too much is too much for you and talk it out and find people that get you,” Simmons said.

After graduation, Simmons hopes to continue running collegiately. While in college, she plans to major in engineering with aspirations to eventually start a career as an environmental engineer. Reflecting on her time in high school, she has learned the importance of turning towards her faith during uncertain times. 

“High school has taught me that it’s absolutely insane how crazy high school can be. At the same time, it can be a safe haven while being the most dangerous place in the world. 
You can feel like you know everyone but have no friends when that simply is not the truth, and you have to learn to grow those friendships to feel more content. [You may think] I have to have more friends and I have to have this many people that know me, and you end up knowing that you don’t need that. You just need yourself and God to depend upon. And he will most likely light the path if you follow him, he will make this his will and everything perfect in it,” Simmons said.

Simmons is thrilled to be a member of the homecoming court, and she is ecstatic about all the upcoming events.

“I’m most excited for the entire week of everything from the spirit days that are very unique, may I add, to the homecoming huddle. Also, the Pep Rally, whenever you and an escort get to do a full competition. It’s just a really fun game to watch, and then I’m also so excited for the homecoming itself walking out in the court and getting to be with all those girls. It’s a great selection of girls who are all such good people and such good friends, and you really couldn’t have picked a better group,” Simmons said.

Being nominated for Homecoming Court is an honor, Saywer’s dynamic, charming personality and natural confidence have helped her stand out amongst her peers. Her welcoming kindness and devotion to everything she does have made her deserving of this opportunity!

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