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Homecoming Court Spotlight: Mackenna Lawson

Homecoming Court Spotlight: Mackenna Lawson

Homecoming is an exciting time for everyone, especially the ladies selected to be recognized as members of the homecoming court. Mackenna Lawson (12) is one of the honorable girls chosen by her peers to experience this opportunity as a member of the court.

Throughout her high school experience, Lawson has been involved in Panther Crew and NHS. She has also been a dedicated member of the women’s basketball team for all four years of high school. In her time at LCHS, she has always prioritized being kind, living in the moment, and constantly seeking ways to better herself.

“I would just say that memories, experiences, and friends have always been important to me, so with that, I always try to be a kind light to anybody and everybody. I am very competitive, so having my friends and peers around me always motivates me to be better,” Lawson said.

Mackenna plans to attend college and go into the medical field. She was inspired to pursue this career path by the many injuries and surgeries she’s endured through her high school career as a diligent student-athlete. By entering the medical field, she aspires to find ways to help people and give back to a community of people that has given her so much support. While she is excited about what the future holds for her, her advice for others in high school is to enjoy every moment and grow from the experiences you have. 

“Don’t take your time or your friendships for granted. Time moves so fast, so enjoy every moment. I’ve gained many friendships and have learned that in high school you start to realize who you wanna be and who you wanna surround yourself with. 
So with that high school has given me ups and downs, which has now shaped me,” Lawson said.

Considering all the upcoming events, Lawson is most excited to dress up for homecoming spirit week and spend time with the other ladies nominated for homecoming court.

 “I’m very excited about spirit week and getting to dress up, especially for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle day, as well as getting to enjoy these festivities with all the girls on the court,” Lawson said.

Being nominated for Homecoming Court is an honor, Mackenna’s thoughtfulness and competitive spirit have helped her stand out amongst her peers. Her radiating optimism and determination have definitely made her deserving of this opportunity!

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