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Student Spotlight: Alyson Tucker

Student Spotlight: Alyson Tucker

Confidence, strength, ability, and motivation are all characteristics found in leaders. As a color guard captain, this year looks different for Alyson Tucker (10). This fall will be Tucker’s fifth season in color guard at Lenoir City High School. Demonstrating skills like perseverance and diligence has gotten Tucker to the leadership position she is in now, as only a sophomore. 

As a captain, some of her priorities have shifted. The colorguard team has also taken on a new coach for this season. 

“This season of colorguard has looked slightly different because we hired a new instructor, but she’s been an amazing coach these past few months. I enjoy that she pushes us to do our best because she understands our potential. Change isn’t always easy, but we’ve really come together as a family and been able to work through the hardships we’ve faced during this program,” Tucker said. 

Over her years in guard, Tucker has overcome multiple obstacles in colorguard. Considering the challenges, Tucker remains grateful for the experiences she has been able to have throughout her seasons here at Lenoir City High School. 

“The biggest hardships I faced certainly occurred my first year. As a middle-school student working in a high-school program, it was very easy to fall behind because I was never in class to learn or work with others. Although it was very stressful at the time, we were able to roll with the punches and catch up to the best of our abilities. This still stands to this day, being behind is one of the more difficult parts of colorguard, but we’ve always been able to catch up,” Tucker said.

Being able to persevere in the face of difficulty has always been instrumental for Tucker as a performer, captain, and teammate. Many members have joined more recently and many have left their time in colorguard behind them, but Tucker chooses to keep going. 

I stick with color guard because it’s truly my passion. Before I joined, I had never been in any sort of extracurricular or sport because nothing had stood out to me. When I showed up to my very first practice during my eighth-grade year, I knew it was something I was going to stay with. I also couldn’t do this without my teammates by my side. For example, Adriana Gonzalez (10), my co-capitan, and I walked into this program together in 2022 knowing it was going to be a difficult season, but we’ve both come so far. It makes me very happy to be teaching alongside one of my closest friends,” Tucker said.

Tucker handles her leadership with pride and continues to work towards improving every day. She finds strength and courage in learning. She understands that working to improve herself will improve her team too.

“Being a captain has been a huge honor, and I’ve loved being able to work with such a great team. Leadership to me means more than just teaching others but also, being able to create a positive environment. Another part of being captain that I recognize is that we still need to learn in the position we’re in. I have taken advice from others on things I can do to improve my teaching. I think realizing what we can change allows us to grow, and plays a big part in leadership. All in all, I’ve been very thankful to be in my position this year, and it’s been a very positive learning experience.”

Taking on a role in leadership is never easy, but activity derives from passion. Having a passion for something is an integral part of being a leader and working as a team. Tucker proves herself worthy of her role in leadership by expressing qualities of strength and having faith in the abilities of others. Putting on a show is impressive, but the work done behind the scenes truly means the most. 

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