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Student Spotlight: Mari Blair Lacy

Freshman competes in and wins cardboard boat race.
Student Spotlight: Mari Blair Lacy

Cardboard boat races are strategic and competitive. Qualities like being a team player and a good problem solver are essential. Mari Blair Lacy (9) reflects on these qualities, and how they ultimately led her to victory in the 2024 Lenoir City Cardboard Boat Race.

In this race, Lacy and her little sister were only allowed to use three materials when crafting their boat: cardboard, duct tape, and spray paint. This proved to be a challenge over the two weeks that they spent making the boat. In the end, they were able to overcome this obstacle.

“We just really had to rely on each other a lot, me and my little sister did. We did it last year too and we won [as well],” Lacy said.

Teamwork played a huge role in Lacy’s success because she and her little sister had to work together on land and in the water. Since they had experience competing and winning last year, they already knew the perfect strategy to ensure they won.

“She paddles to the right and I paddle to the left. I always sit in the front and tell her when to switch sides,” Lacy said. 

Lacy utilized valuable skills like leadership, communication, and collaboration on and off the water to bring her and her sister to victory. She found solutions to the obstacles she faced and defeated the other competitors.

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