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Student Spotlight: Jenna Bailey

Student Spotlight: Jenna Bailey

Singers is an advanced choral group at LCHS. Mr. Cross is known for inspiring and encouraging his students chorally and personally. Jenna Bailey (10) has found her place singing alongside Singers and under the guidance of Mr. Cross. While this is Jenna’s first year as a part of the group, her sister, Taylor Bailey, was a part of this choir in 2022. Jenna describes her inspiration to audition for Singers. 

“My sister used to do singers, so she convinced me to do it,” Jenna said. 

Jenna has learned a lot about Singers’ experiences and learning music from her sister. Jenna shares her sister’s experiences in Singers and the effect they had on Jenna’s decision to audition. 

“She had a great time and learned a lot about music; And I wanted to as well,” Jenna said. 

People start singing at different times in their lives. For some, they are encouraged to sing as they grow up. Jenna describes the encouragement she had to sing growing up. 

“I’ve always sung in churches and choirs,” Jenna said.

Many students have different or similar expectations for Singers. Jenna explains if singers have met her expectations and how they differ from what she originally thought. 

“Absolutely. [Singers], it’s a lot closer of a group than I expected,” Jenna said. 

Overall, Singers has been a new experience for Jenna. She gains new memories and experiences every day in the class. Hopefully, Jenna will have a great year in Singers. 

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