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63rd Annual Teen Board Dance!

Ellie Orr (12), Beau Fraker (12), Sarajane Weber (12), and Eli Harrison (11) pose for a photo in their beautiful dresses and suits.
Ellie Orr (12), Beau Fraker (12), Sarajane Weber (12), and Eli Harrison (11) pose for a photo in their beautiful dresses and suits.

Every year, teens are gathered from all over the state of Tennessee to participate in one of the largest black tie events. This year at the 63rd annual Teen Board of Knoxville Ball, a few girls were selected from Loudon County to participate. In order to be selected you must show acts of service, hold a high expectation for yourself, and have career goals as a senior in high school. At this event, teens and adults are brought together to recognize young leaders of Tennessee 

This year from Lenoir City High School the Teen Board chose Ellie Orr (12). Orr is one out of three that were chosen this year from LCHS. 

Orr shares her initial thoughts on being invited to the event. 

“At first, I was confused because I was not sure what [the ball] was, but when I found out, I felt lucky to be asked to be a part of it,” Orr said.

With this being an extraordinary way to honor local scholar teens, Orr was thankful for every minute. After attending the special event, Orr shares her experience. 

“My experience at the Teen Board [ball] was good. I had a nice time and was thankful that I was able to be there with some of my friends that were on my court,” Orr said.

At the Teen Board of Knoxville, each presenter got to choose to invite their friends to be on their court—for support—and represent the school district as well as the presentee. This was very important to Orr.

“The best thing about the ball was being able to invite my friends. It made the experience even better knowing I had people I knew there with me,” Orr said. 

Orr then elaborates on the event.

“At the Teen Board [ball], we got presented and were able to represent our school in a positive way,” Orr said. 

After sharing the experience, Orr shares why she chose to participate in the ball. 

“I chose to participate in the Teen Board [ball] because it looks good for college and it was a good opportunity to try something new,” Orr said. 

Lastly, Orr gives advice to future presenters.

“Have fun with it, try not to stress out too much, and get to know the people of your board,” Orr said. 

With this being such a big and benifical opportunity for Orr, she is thankful and glad she got to participate. The ball was such a unique way for her to show off her hard work and dedication to her academics. Not only did Orr get recognized for her work, but she also represented Lenoir City High School in front of hundreds of schools across the state. Orr is planning on attending the University of Tennessee once she leaves highschool, but she will always thank LCHS for the opportunities it has given her. From being such a wonderful and dedicated student, she got to be recognized at one of the largest events in the country. Thank you Teen Board for selecting such a good candidate to represent our school, and for showing off her academic excellence!

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