Senioritis, Real or Fake?
Isabella Rojas Diaz (12) catches up on work for her classes.
Understanding why some seniors don’t do their work is deeper than black and white. Some seniors deal with procrastination, while others just have plain burnout. Seniors often vary between this spectrum of senioritis. The development of this problem often originates from the realization that seniors only have a small amount of time left in school. Homework and class assignments don’t seem like top priorities as they did once before. This could take effect from various reasons like already being accepted to a few colleges, having a good grade point average, or already thinking ahead for the future; therefore, seniors feel less of the need to finish off schoolwork. Isabella Rojas Diaz (12) is one of the various seniors who deal with senioritis.
“Sometimes I have senioritis because I don’t feel like doing my work, since I’m almost done with school,” Rojas said.
Pulling through each and every assignment, seniors all tackle their last big obstacle: senioritis. Senioritis may not look as troubling as it is often told, but looking at it from the perspective of seniors, it could be a hard mentality to get out of. The idea of having one semester of school left and about 3-5 classes each day, procrastination creeps in rapidly. Edgar Tinoco (12) believes that senioritis is truly a battle that seniors deal with consistently.
“I think it’s a real thing that affects students because they don’t think they need to do any more work,” Tinoco said.
On the other side, some seniors don’t have this issue on their minds because of their determination in finishing school. In their eyes, senioritis isn’t a troubling issue in seniors but rather a mentality that is brought out because of the tiredness of schoolwork. Ashley Espinoza (12) is one of the few students who feel this way about senioritis.
“No, I don’t think it’s real. We’re just done, tired… I think it’s all mental,” Espinoza said.
Even with the differing views of senioritis, getting back into a productive mindset can be difficult for a vast variety of seniors. This longing of gaining motivation isn’t a fast process that can be easily attainable. A few students, though, were able to find their motivation through friends and family cheering them on for their graduation. Furthermore, students like Rojas believe that motivation comes from their eagerness into seeking their future faster.
“[I’m] just thinking about graduation and pushing through it, so I can graduate successfully,” Rojas said.
Overall, senioritis isn’t a simple concept for seniors but rather a grueling mentality that can cause conflicts within their school life. Due to this, seniors need to be aware of the true motivations in their life that can inspire them to finish off their school year with a great ending. Therefore, if you are a senior reading this or you have a similar mentality as senioritis, don’t let it drive you to failure in a class; instead, try achieving great success for good results in your future. You’ll thank me later!