Hello America!!

Each year, new students enroll in new schools all the time. Students can come from all over the world. This year at LCHS we welcomed two foreign exchange students. These students are coming from Spain and Germany. These two juniors Coke Couto and Dominick Forstman give their outlook and how they are feeling learning in a whole new place this year.

School environments are different all over the world.

“Schools are way more strict on security in the United States. There is also more use of technology,” Forstman said. On the other hand Coke being from Spain feels like “schools are like a big family.”

While it is so different for both students, they are looking forward to many experiences this year. Forstman is looking forward to the social aspect of this experience.

“I’m excited to have as many friends as possible this exchange year,” Forstman said.

For Couto, he is eager to learn more about what America has to offer.

“I want to learn more about American culture,” Couto said. 

Coming to a new place can be nerve racking. Both students have been learning more and more about the country since they stepped off the plane.

“I nearly suffocated because of the humidity. The roads are better in Europe. There are so many fast food restaurants and so many cars. There are also so many people that are open and friendly,” Forstman said.

Both students are ready to learn more about America and experience many different things, but they still miss their home.

“I miss our gorgeous bread and German humor. I miss running in my village and my German gym,” Forstman said.

For Couto, on the other side of the world he is a verified music artist.

“I miss performing concerts with my band,” Couto said. 

The students have encountered many obstacles on their journey here, but both are looking forward to the American experience and being able to learn more about different countries. The students are learning more and more about their new home each day. With the help of many others, they are feeling comfortable in TN and are ready to have an unforgettable year.